Sunday, 24 August 2014

What Became of Punkadiddle?

Once upon a time there were (I peer at the virtual dashboard and gasp) nearly 400 posts on this blog: reviews of science fiction and fantasy books and films, the vast majority of them. I blogged those pieces, here, from 2007 to the beginning of 2013. Then I stopped, for a number of reasons. When the blog was live it had a fairly dedicated though small (I prefer to think: discerning) readership; and a small trickle of readers continued through the site even after I had stopped, to read some of the more widely linked posts -- my series of reviews of Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time for instance. If you have come to this blog hoping to read those, or any of the other things I wrote here, then I'm sorry to have to disappoint you. The blogposts have receded like a scroll being rolled up, and every mountain and island has been removed from its place. But do not despair: I collected the best of the Punkadiddle pieces, folded them neatly in with a couple of other reviews and essays, and published the whole lot as a book. This is what that book looks like:

It's published by Steel Quill, an imprint of Ian Whates's Newcon Press; it has an introduction by BSFA-award-winning critic Paul Kincaid, and if you really want to read what I have to say about science fiction and fantasy, I urge you to buy a copy. If you want a hard-copy, you'll need to contact Ian directly (the upside of this process is that I should be able to sign it for you, should you want my signature.).  But but but! Look-y here: for the much lower price of £3.42 you can buy the whole volume right now as an ebook. I urge and exhort you to do this. If, that is to say, you want to read the best of Punkadiddle. Of course; you may not want to do that. Perhaps you find my face offputting. I wouldn't blame you.

Rather than dwell on that, you might prefer to look at the back cover, with its splendid endorsement from Jared Leto. Or Shurin. I forget. One of the Jareds, certainly.

At any rate, that is what became of Punkadiddle. It got turned into a book.


Adam Roberts said...

Thanks, Yetikeeper! No thanks to you though, 'Mas Rooy' spam commentator.

Dave Cesarano said...

Yet ANOTHER book by an admired blogger that I will have to purchase and read?!?!

Alright, fine. I can't hate or blame someone for realizing their work and thoughts have value enough that they can profit from them. Those profits are richly deserved. Congratulations for this recent publication!

Adam Roberts said...

Thank you, Dave!

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Unknown said...

As a man, a writer can not escape from the world where he rests. It is part and parcel of ideas, actions, and objects that produced human culture; he had come to produce it all. So, writers are part of the culture and simultaneously participate produce culture. Of course, the work he created, namely literature, is a world that can not be separated from culture. Literature is a fictional world that is grounded in the ideas, values, and norms that have shaped and established writers as well as community members. In this case, "rests" certainly does not mean congruent literature is evaluative response to the various things that take place in the real world.

Unknown said...

I haven't seen this and I really can't say it's going to end up on any to-watch list of mine, but the whole thing sounds strangely and appealingly literary for an original property.

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Hi Adam,

I'm just curious does your book contain your review of Paul McAuley's Fairyland? If so I'll buy it straight away. If not, I'll probably still buy it.


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Luzia Narvz said...

A great miscellany, filled with sharp, versatile, roving appraisals of, and meditations on, SF & fantasy books and cinema. Shows that the best way to think about the big picture of genre writing is often with a particular specimen right in front of you.


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